October 27, 2017

Friday, October 27, 2017
St. George's Bay, Bermuda

Jake left Yesterday afternoon. Don extended his scooter rental but changed it to a double seater. We all had a great Chinese lunch on Main street in Saint George's. While Don did some internet stuff at the Town square, I took Jake to the airport. Afterwards, Don and I went back to the boat and thoroughly enjoyed another dry dinghy ride.

We shuffled things around the "clothesline" Jake rigged in the cockpit, trying to get everything dry. I decided to air out my flannel sleeping sheet. We took a salty swim and bath, rinsing off.with fresh water at the back of the boat. I sat down just in time to watch my sheet floating by with the current. Time for another swim & rinse cycle! Fortunately, after the cold front passed through, the air was much drier. By bedtime the sheet was dry. We had a nice cool breeze and calm night for sleeping.


Photos by Rod
Looking down the bay towards our anchorage at St. George's Bay. This dock is where the cruise ships dock when visiting this bay.

You can tell who is sitting on which side of the boat by their favorite beverage.

From our anchorage, looking to the right of the cut towards St. David's Head, Bermuda


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