November 14 - 15, 2017

Nov 14 and 15 

We spent two nights in the "Bight" on Norman Island in the BVI.  It was a beautiful spot, which we had nearly to ourselves the first night and then only about five boats the second night.  There were two bars on land and a large boat that was a floating bar.  All were severely damaged in the hurricane.  They had done quite a lot of work on the two on land and were hoping to open in several weeks.  The boat did not look salvageable.  The second day we took the dinghy over to a dinghy mooring and snorkelled along the cliff.  Nice fish, including a 14" blue-green pastor m parrot fish.  Don had seen a barracuda here earlier in the trip.  We saw a small jellyfish from the boat.  I had a new full face mask for snorkeling that is really nice   I still battle with claustrophobia when snorkeling.  

In the afternoon we took the boat over and picked up a day mooring at "The Indians".  It was quite windy and rough but Don snorkeled and said it was very pretty.  Anchored back in the Bight.

My only pictures are on the camera so will have to add them later - Deb


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