November 29, 2017 - Pigeon Bay

November 29, Wednesday. 

We left at  to go to Pigeon Bay and we wanted to pick up a day mooring at Pigeon Island.  The weather deteriorated as we went, the sky getting very dark with rain all around us.  There had been little wind until we neared Pigeon Island when it got very windy.  There were a number of dive boats at the moorings in all three mooring spots and it was raining hard.  The skies looked better ages ahead of us so we kept going.  We anchored in.       . There was a fleet of small fishing boats and about the other sailboat moored in the bay, all of which appeared to be local and units uninhabited.  We had to anchor in 40 feet over what the guidebook said was not great holding.  We got a good hold and never dragged.  Near sundown a large catamaran came in.  They dropped their anchor about six times, then gave up and moved on.



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