December 5, 2017 - "Not Posseeble"

December 5, Monday

Don walked all over the place trying to find someone who could do some work on the alternator while the boat is here.  Our guidebook told of several places that would be so happy to help.  NOT.  Every response was "not posseeble".  Don decided to try to change the leaky hose himself.  He got the hose off and took another trip to get a new hose.  Bought one back but it was metric instead of SAE and didn't fit.  Then he decided to change the oil and filter.  He got the oil changed and went to get a new filter but the store was closed for siesta.  He went back again at 2 o'clock but same problem as with the hose - everything was metric.  He put the old filter back on.  He'd tried to bring more extra filters and had taken all they had at the time.

When Don checked in this morning, he found that we have to move the boat by February 2, since we arrived early.  We had thought we'd be able to extend the time here, if needed but also "not posseeble"

I got most of the clothes packing done in the morning, which also involved folding mounds of dirty clothes that we couldn't get washed easily.  I started on the food but it got too hot and then I was excited to the cockpit when Don had the engine apart.  Don had had one or maybe two creepy, crawly bugs in him Saturday night so we decided not to leave any food that bugs could possibly get into on the boat.  I put everything I could into plastic containers and when I ran out, I packed the rest in a bag and gave it to the guy next door.  Also gave him the leftover cold things we had.  We actually did pretty good at using up the food.  Don pointed out that that was because we couldn't find any food to buy.

The guy next door had just arrived at 1:30 a m  the same day we arrived.  He was from Dominica.  He'd lost his boat and at least the roof of his house.  He spoke French and quite good English but I still had a hard time completely understanding his story.  I believe he was taking care of the boat he was on.

Don rinsed off the boat and wiped down the cockpit cushions while I did the dishes and finished up with the food.

By late afternoon we were both cooked, sweaty, lumps.  Don took a shower at the marina and I showered on the back of the boat.  We got fresh clothes on and waited to go to the Chinese restaurant at 1900.  When we got there it was closed.  There is great randomness to life in the Caribbean.  We had pizza.

We're running the engine for the last time and plan to get to the airport plenty early tomorrow.  We don't want to run into any further "not posseebles".



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