Brainwaves Joins a Regatta (well, kind of, sorta)

February 6, Tuesday

Don went over to Christophe Harbor first thing in the morning and was able to call Scott and Gretchen and ask them to look up the weather.  That was just what they needed on a morning when they'd all overslept and Gretchen was supposed to take a friend of Dieter's to school too!  Scott was extremely helpful in finding weather info for Don.  The forecast hadn't changed.  It was still predicting increasing wind and waves each day for the next five days.  That meant today was the day to take off on the big overnight jaunt.

We left the harbor at 10:30.  As soon as we got into more open waters the wind became more steady and less gusty.  When we got north of St Kitts, between there and Statia things got rougher.  We got some protection from Statia and then it was rough again between Statia and Saba.  We got protection from Saba and then we were pretty much in the open again.  Winds were 20-25 K and waves were 8-10 feet.  From around 23:00-2:00 we became surrounded by large ships.  There were three cruise ships, two freighters and a tug with a barge.  We seemed to be on a popular course.  Don had to radio two of the freighters.  He asked one to divert course a little, which they were happy to do.  The guy couldn't have been nicer.  He asked us to shine our spotlight until he spotted us, which we did.  The second freighter was already aware of us when Don radioed.  We have an AIS receiver which shows us the boats on our chart plotter and gives quite a lot of info about them, including their course and speed.  We don't have an AIS transmitter though, so they can't see us.  You can usually spot a big ship's lights about ten miles away.  The cruise ships look like a small floating city.

Beginning about midnight the wind and waves kept slowly building until we were having a pretty rough ride.  I slept for a couple of hours but Don didn't get much sleep.  He'd startle awake every time one of the whopper waves hit us.  By dawn at around 6:00 we were both exhausted and feeling nauseous.  I slept some more while Don toughed it out.  We picked up a mooring in the Bight on Norman Island at 8:30 and gratefully fell into bed!!!!

Deb (via email)


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