While Don Naps, Deb entertains the Kennedy's Crew . . .

February 11, Sunday

At 9:00 Don took the car to another grocery store that we found on the way back yesterday that is much closer.  He got some more supplies and had another wet ride back to the boat.

At 10:20 we took the dinghy in to return the car to the airport and do a lot of downloading onto my Kindle.  Don's isn't working so he's keeping mine. 

We did have the forethought to wear bathing suits under our clothes for the ride back.  Before launching we put our clothes in a dry bag.  Even with both of us in swimsuits we had a heck of a time launching the dinghy.  The wind and waves today are the highest they've been in this anchorage.  It's another beautiful day and has barely sprinkled on us.

This afternoon I was reading in the cockpit while Don was napping when three young men carrying liquor bottles swam out to the boat from the beach.  They said they were tired and wanted to know if they could get on the boat and rest before swimming back.  I said yes and dropped the ladder down.  They were in training for the Merchant Marines and were on a very large training ship, the T.S. Kennedy.  They'd been all around the Caribbean as far as Columbia and had done some humanitarian work a few places along the way.  Don woke up wondering who the heck I was taking to.  They were nice, polite young men, even though they'd been drinking.  I'm not sure swimming long distances with a bottle of booze in one hand is highly intelligent.  They thanked us for our hospitality and asked us to send a picture to them as they are supposed to be documenting people they've been friendly to along the way.

I'm packed and we'll head off to the airport and 10:00 tomorrow morning.  I fly out at 12:40 and David arrives around 15:00.


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